After that finishes, exit root, as you no dont have to be root to use SheepShaver. SheepShaver or, if you want it available to all users, type su root, type your password, and then doing make install. After the script finishes, it will tell you to run make, so, type make. Ignore the warnings about AM_GTK, as it compiled fine for me with those warnings. Once in the SheepShaver directory, type make links.ĥ) After thats done, type cd src/Unix, and then type. More files will be downloaded.Ĥ) Ignore the BasiliskII directory and type cd SheepShaver. It will download a bunch of files, and when it completes, type cvs -d checkout SheepShaver and press Enter.
It will ask for the CVS password, type 'anoncvs', no quotes.ģ) Now type cvs -d checkout BasiliskII and press Enter.
Here is where the Mac OS 7.5.5 update is located: Downloadġ) Open a new terminal window, and cd to any directory you like, this will be where the BasiliskII and SheepShaver source will be stored.Ģ) In your terminal window, type cvs -d login and press Enter. Here is where Mac OS 7.5.3 is located: Download